I have read an article describing the findings of two studies out of the University of Illinois. You who are regular readers know my opinion of soy...it's better fed to cows than ingested by humans. That opinion stands. I'm letting you know about these studies and their preliminary results just in case the general media pick up the story and tout this as the latest way to prevent cancer and other inflammatory diseases.
There are so many different categories of cancer-preventing foods that cause no unintended consequences that I wanted to get ahead of this latest idea that can cause so many consequences...especially for men.
Here's the thrust of the article:
"Two new University of Illinois studies report that lunasin, a soy
peptide often discarded in the waste streams of soy-processing plants,
may have important health benefits that include fighting leukemia and
blocking the inflammation that accompanies such chronic health
conditions as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke."
As a result of these studies, the researchers are pushing the processing of lunasin-containing soy foods.
My suggestion: keep eating organic colorful vegetables and fruits, high quality proteins, nuts, seeds, medium chain triglycerides and PG-1 and PG-3 omega oils and your body will be able to block inflammation, decrease the possibility of mutating cells, regulate insulin and sugar levels and mitigate the possibility of developing cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Esther drkollars@gmail.com
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