Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bowel Symptoms may Indicate More Serious Problems

Recent research is showing us just how vital the health of our intestines is in relation to our overall state of health.  Even only one course of antibiotic therapy can result in significant imbalances in our gastrointestinal tract.  This state of bad bacterial overgrowth is known as, "Dysbiosis."

We now know that we are born with bacteria that are unique to us.  We also acquire bacteria from the foods we eat.  There are some 2-3 pounds of bacteria in our intestines, the most of which are contained in our large intestines...over a trillion cells!  We also know that there are many factors which can interrupt the normal intestinal environment which can result in improper digestion to the development of autoimmune diseases.

IBS, Chron's, certain food sensitivities, celiac disease, chronic diarrhea and constipation, diverticular disease, gastrointestinal infections, type 1& 2 diabetes, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Graves disease, chronic active hepatitis, autism, chronic pain syndrome, depression and anxiety, breast and colon cancer, poor immunity, poor digestion, lack of well-being, low energy and fatigue are some of the conditions now linked via research to dysbiosis.  Gas, bloating and indigestion after meals are our bodies "wake up" call for the need to restore our gut to balance and health.

Unfortunately, probiotics won't correct or even make much of a difference in the restoration of the normal intestinal flora environment as they do not last very long and do not address the re-balancing of the unique flora contained within our bodies.  We need to rid the intestines of the amount of bad flora and reintroduce the unique flora in order to restore balance to the gastrointestinal tract. 

There are documented and effective dysbiosis protocol available that are able to restore our normal bacterial environment.  In my opinion, gut health is the foundation to all health.


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