Monday, April 7, 2014

Here are Some Surprising Things Made from Petroleum

Most of us know that anything that is plastic or made from synthetic material has its origins in petroleum.  I came across a list of things that might surprise you to know are also made from petroleum.  Here's a partial list:

antiseptics,   deodorant,    rubbing alcohol,    pillows,    hair coloring,    denture adhesive,    aspirin,    dish washing soap,    hand lotion,    shampoo,    shaving cream,    toothpaste,    lipstick,    anesthetics,    dentures,    vitamin capsules,    perfumes,    antihistamines,    and cortisone, to name the ones that I didn't know about.

Fortunately, you can avoid most of the petroleum additives if you are using organic sources of many of the above.  I don't know how you'd avoid the petroleum in the medications, though.  Isn't it something that the very products we look to, to help us feel better are the very ones that are exposing us to harmful chemicals?  How sad.


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