In the 2006, Parents and Kids publication, the authors discuss the value of chiropractic care for all children, considering the amount of trauma babies go through, even in a "normal," vaginal delivery. The authors state, "Nerve system stress, left unaddressed (sic), impairs the child's ability to function in a state of optimal health and well being." The authors also realize that the, "pain and malfunction may not show up for years." Earlier this week, we discussed the possible long-term ramifications of birth trauma on the digestive system of infants, as well as long-term behavior implications. ADHD can also be traced, in part, to imbalances in a child's neurological system...something that we have personally been able to positively affect with our care.
Surprisingly to me, the article goes on to recommend that all infants/children receive a chiropractic examination to ensure proper nerve and mechanical function. Suggested, also, is for parents to take their child to a chiropractor if any of the following have occurred: difficult birth, difficulty with nursing, colic, reflux, trouble sleeping, ear infections, frequent colds, allergies/asthma, behavioral problems, postural abnormalities, head tilt, high shoulder or hip. We had one case in which the infant wasn't able to turn her head without screaming in pain....the pediatrician said she'd, "grow out of it."
The article concludes with what it calls, "successful" reported results of chiropractic care. It includes: increased immunity, fewer colds/infections, increased athletic potential, increased energy, relief from allergies/asthma, better sleep habits, reduction in hyperactivity and improvement/reversal of scoliosis. I can honestly say that we have seen all of the above results in our pediatric patients, too. Food for thought.

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