Garlic is a member of the "allium" group of foods. It is an extremely effective anti-viral as well as a cholesterol-lowering compound. Eating garlic is very tasty, we grow our own and I use a lot in cooking, but fresh garlic does not contain the amount of allium that aged garlic does. Also, one cannot possibly eat enough of the garlic to reproduce the medical benefits that one gets from taking an aged garlic capsule.
Kyolic, aged garlic, is the absolute best brand on the market. The source of the garlic is Japanese, as it appears that they have the patience to age this product for the necessary 90 days that it takes for the garlic to become bio-medically active.
My recommendation is that one take at least 2 capsules a day in the winter months in order to avoid the flu to keep your immune systems strong. If you start to feel any indicators that normally tip you off to possible flu/colds or sickness, take one capsule every 2-3 hours until your symptoms abate. Getting a jump on the virus is the only way to help to avoid its affects.
A wonderful "side effect" of aged garlic is that it is one of the phytonutrients that helps to stop the growth of cancer cells, as cancer is a virus. Also, you won't have any garlic breath with the aged garlic...something we all can appreciate.
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