Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Importance of Mindfulness in Learning

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience published a study funded by the Department of the Army, looking into what are some of the roadblocks to learning that we face. Primarily, the study concentrated on what may cause our minds to wander and decrease our attention spans.  Short-term mindfulness training was given to a group of students for a period of time. 

"Mindfulness is a mental mode characterized by attention to present moment experience without conceptual elaboration or reactivity. MT programs offer practices and didactic discussions on how to stabilize and focus attention on one’s present moment experience, as opposed to ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. A common practice offered in MT courses is mindfulness of breathing. Here, the participant is instructed to focus on a selected sensation of breathing (e.g., coolness of air in the nostrils) and maintain attention on that selected object for the period of formal practice. If a participant notices that his or her attention has wandered to off-task thoughts, feelings, sensations, or other internal preoccupations, he or she is instructed to guide attention back to the target object (e.g., the breath). Therefore, this type of training includes explicit instructions to notice mind wandering and respond by redirecting selective attention."

"MT participants had higher task accuracy and self-reported being more “on-task” after the 7-week training period. MT did not significantly benefit the operation span task or accuracy on the delayed-recognition task. Together these results suggest that while short-form MT did not bolster working memory task performance, it may help curb mind wandering and should, therefore, be further investigated for its use in academic contexts."

 You may read more about this in a book written by Goldie Hawn, entitled, 10 Mindful Minutes.  It's written in layman's terms, is very entertaining and informative and I highly recommend it.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Probiotics May Help you Live Longer

We know that about 60-65% of our immune system is mitigated by the intestines.  We also know that in order to have a balanced immune system, our gut must be balanced and that can only happen if our bacterial levels are balanced.  Diet and certain medications are the most significant variables that determine the health of our gut.  Of course, stress contributes to imbalances, but it's what we put into our intestines that determines whether we have the correct amount and type of bacteria in our body.   

Now, a study published in the journal, Cell, shows us what happens, and why, to our aging bodies that necessitates our supplementing with full-spectrum, non-dairy probiotics on a regular basis.

As we age, oxidation causes changes within the intestinal cells concurrently with the suppression of the production of a class of molecule, PGRP-SC, which regulates our immune response to bacteria. Supplementing with probiotics (not the "stuff" that is advertised on television or magazines) augments the gut's good bacteria while diminishing the destructive affects resulting from cellular oxidation.  There have been a number of studies showing the importance of bacterial health and balance not only in IBS, IBD, Collitis, Chron's and other intestinal problems, but also such seemingly unrelated imbalances  as autism, depression and rheumatoid arthritis.

I recommend daily supplementation with a probiotic for everyone.  Unfortunately, not all probiotics are created equal.  The most important variable is how many of the vital live bacteria a supplement has and how long those bacteria remain viable.  There are specific bioactive forms of these important bacteria that very few companies offer.  We carry only the bioactive forms of probiotics.


Monday, January 27, 2014

New Research in Parkinson's Disease

The Journal of Parkinson's Disease (January issue), published findings of a study done concerning  mood and memory in those suffering from this disease.  Those people with higher blood levels of Vitamin D showed an improved mental and mood performance over those whose blood levels are low.

Neuropsychiatric performance in 286 Parkinson's patients was examined using cognitive function, memory and depression testing.  Those with higher vitamin D levels performed better on the neuropsychiatic, verbal memory and fluency scores.  Additionally, higher vitamin D levels correlated with significantly lower depression scores.

There continues to be disagreements among practitioners as to what amounts of vitamin D supplementation are optimal.  My recommendation is for all of us to try to get 15-20 minutes a day of sunlight exposure on as much of the body as possible.  In the winter months or if that amount of exposure is not possible, I recommend 2,000 to 5,000 IU of D per day...preferably a whole food source and not laboratory-manufactured.  For those with Parkinson's, they may need more, according to their individual performance and requirements.


Friday, January 24, 2014

New Study: Drinking and Thinking in Men

A recent study published in the journal, Neurology, suggests that alcohol affects thought processes in men more than in women.  What's is most unexpected is the small amount of alcohol that it apparently takes to cause this mental decline.

Over 7,000 men and women with an average age of 56 from the Whithall 2 cohort study were evaluated for cognitive function. During the period of time the subjects were studied, they were given the alcohol and evaluated a total of 3 times for various cognitive functions...short term memory and comprehension among them.

We normally think that alcohol affects people when taken in fairly high doses as it affects the neurotransmitters in the brain such as opiates, GABA, serotonin, glutamate and dopamine, not to mention what it does to the liver and heart and other organs.  What I found astonishing was that the researchers concluded that it only took 36 grams=1.3 ounces of alcohol to cause the cognitive changes!  Wow.

The exact same amount of alcohol consumed by women did not cause any measured decrease in cognitive skills.  Since the population studied averaged 56 years, we women cannot chalk that difference up to estrogen levels.  Maybe the fact that we carry more fat in our bodies than men of equal weight has something to do with it. Seriously, though, regardless of why there is a difference, I take from this study, first, the need for more research into this topic and two, that older men need to cut down on their alcohol a lot.  It probably wouldn't hurt for everyone, no matter what their age, to do the same.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Can Vitamin E Help Slow the Progress of Alzheimer's?

In the January 1, 2014, publication of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association),  a group of doctors researched the efficacy of Vitamin E and Memantine on functional decline in Alzheimer's.  The results were very interesting and, I think, hopeful.

The findings showed that those with mild to moderate AZ showed a slower functional decline than those taking memantine or even from memantine in combination with the vitamin E.  The amount of tocopherol given in this study was 2,000 IU per day.  I don't know the source of the E, but it is always wise to get the naturally occurring, vegetable source rather than the laboratory-concocted source of d-alpha tocopherol.

If you'd like to read more about this study, you'll find it at the following site:


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How Good is the Paleo Diet, Really?

There has been a lot of talk about the Paleo diet...some pro, some con.  Whether you like eating like our ancestors or not, there have been a number of criticisms leveled at this method of eating that are not truly valid.  Here are the top 5:

1.  All of our Paleolithic ancestors died by the time they were 30.  How successful could that diet be?

While the comment about the early death of these people is valid, the reasoning is a bit skewed.  Let's be real, here.  They lived in a very dangerous time:  an incredibly high infant mortality rate, no ER care and lots of tribal warfare, to mention a few problems.  When taking these variables out of the equation, studies show that these people lived about the same amount of time as modern man and, more importantly, without showing any signs of diabetes, heart disease or other chronic illnesses that plague our world.

2. This diet is dangerous because of its high protein content.

You might be surprised to learn that research does not bear out this statement.  A high protein diet is defined as 0.7 gms of protein per kilogram of body weight and has been shown to cause kidney damage in those with pre-existing kidney problems, only. Also, one doesn't need to eat red meat in this diet, at all, if they so choose.  My problem with red meat is that it's full of genetically modified hormones, unless it's organic.  Also, no one should eat only one source of protein, whether it be meat, poultry, fish, seafood or vegetable.

3. Whole grains are "super foods," and thus necessary for our diet.

Interestingly enough, we are finding that grains can be problematic, especially if eaten in large quantities.  They contain a fairly high simple carbohydrate content and have been shown to interfere with cognition.  A diet high in essential fatty acids is much more beneficial to brain activity and cardiovascular health than grains.  I'm not saying you shouldn't eat any grains, I, personally, really enjoy quinoa grain, but that this idea that you should be eating a significant amount of them is simply not borne out by research.

4.  Paleo is an all-meat diet.

In reality, our ancestors ate more vegetables and foraged for whatever grasses/grains they could find than they did meat.  Taking down wild beasts with bare hands or, eventually, effective rudimentary weapons, wasn't very easy...thus contributing to their abbreviated life span. The proportions recommended in this diet are:  two-thirds plants (including some seeds and nuts and berries) and one-third protein. 

I recommend about the same proportions to all my patients, especially to those who wish to re-balance their body's pH from acidic to alkaline. 

5.  Paleo is a "fad" diet.

This is pretty funny in light of man's history.  It's only recently that we have gotten away from eating fresh, wholesome, non-polluted foods (GMO and fertilized, pesticide ridden)... primarily vegetable/fruit/nuts/seeds/fish/meat based.  If you think of history as a meter stick, humans have been eating as hunter-gatherers for 99.5 centimeters  and eating the modern diet for only .5 centimeter.  What an improvement we have made...processed, genetically modified, refined sugar, dairy and simple carbohydrate-diet....yum. Add to that tobacco and alcohol and you have yourself a civilization that needs pharmaceuticals to survive....for a little while.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Those in West Virginia Aren't the Only Ones who Must Worry About their Water

The area in West Virginia that saw the latest chemical spill (there have been 3 in the past year, according to the news) is known as, "Chemical Valley."  The consensus is that because all the large and well-known chemical companies have their operations located in WV, the politicians have been slow and loath to regulate these businesses.  One must also ask why, in twenty years, the EPA has not inspected the latest site of the offending chemical company's spill, once.  Perhaps, both local politics and EPA fund-cutting politicians in Congress are to blame, as well as the chemical companies.

At any rate, we have little to cheer about concerning the unregulated substances found in our water supplies, according to new, unpublished research by government scientists.  Traces of 18 unregulated chemicals were found in the water of one-third of the utilities sampled across the U.S.  Included are 11 perfluorinated compounds, an herbicide, two solvents, caffeine, an antibacterial compound, a metal and an antidepressant.

This does not even include the hundreds (251) of "regulated" chemicals that are found in everyone's drinking water on a daily basis.  Chemicals aren't the only substances found in our water; radiation (strontium), heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and microbes (all not "naturally occurring") also are in all ground water.  The most pervasive contaminants are from agricultural run-offs...pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers.  So much so that the agricultural run-off has created a "dead zone" in a very large area of the Gulf of Mexico.

Scientists have concluded that there is a "probable link" between perfluorinated compounds (PFOA) and such problems as: high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer and pregnancy-induced hypertension.  These findings were based on symptoms exhibited by people in Mid Ohio Valley communities whose water is polluted with PFOA by DuPont.

Other studies done in Europe show a correlation between these perfluorinated compounds and attention disorders in children and thyroid disease in men.  These chemicals were banned in 2002....but not in this country.

We could eliminate many of these hazardous substances from our water supply by using activated carbon, ozone and UV treatments, but these are more costly than simply adding chlorine (which is also a toxic chemical), but people appear to resent paying more for their water.  I know that's what is reported to have happened, here, in Westerly.  What a shame.  I have to wonder if any community has the will to clean up its water supply, safely. 

The information in this blog can be read in its entirety in, "Environmental Health News."


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Study "proves" We Women Aren't "The Weaker Sex!"

A new study from the department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford has concluded that women's immune response to viruses is stronger than that of men. 

It appears that male levels of testosterone (women have testosterone too), cause a decrease in the auto-immune response to viruses compared to women's immune response. The mechanism is somewhat complex, but the result is something that we women have known for some time....we're the ones who have to take care of everyone else in the family when viruses hit.  Now, we see that nature is giving us women a helping hand our need-to-stay-well-when-everyone-else-is-sick  department.

For anyone who would like to view the entire article, here's where you'll find it:!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Did you know that anxiety can cause you to have a stroke?

Research has effectively established a direct link between anxiety and the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Now, we have the results of a prospective study which show a correlation between anxiety and the risk of a stroke.

Over 6,000 people participated in the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.  Their health was evaluated and they were followed for 12-20 years.  A total of 419 stroke cases were identified by hospital/nursing home death certificate records. What I found particularly interesting was that those who originally reported anxiety symptoms at the beginning of the study were more likely to suffer strokes within the above mentioned time period.  The findings of this study suggest that, "...behavioral factors may be a key pathway linking anxiety to stroke risk."

Living with anxiety is definitely not a no-risk way to live.  There are many different avenues open to those suffering with this problem: behavior modification, yoga, exercise, nutritional changes, environmental changes and dietary changes can all play an important role in the alleviation of anxiety.  Paying attention to how we feel may actually save our life.

Prospective Study of Anxiety  and Incident Stroke by Maya J. Lambiase, PhD,


Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Dermatologist shares some skin care secrets...a use for soy milk!

I was listening to a dermatologist talking about some of the most frequent skin care problems that he treats.  It appears that he isn't particularly impressed with the extremely expensive skin care products on the market, today.  He had some alternative treatment suggestions, using products that most of us have in our refrigerator or pantry.

The first remedy is for sun damaged skin we usually refer to as, "age spots."  I was very excited when I saw this combination as it gives me a reason to buy soy milk...something I had never thought I would do.  Here's the formula:

1 Tbsp. of soy milk
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 Tbsp. natural honey (not the refined type)

Mix together in a small bowl and apply it to the areas of damage.  Allow it to dry on for about 20 minutes.  Repeat this procedure until the age spots fade.  He said that it could take up to 6-8 weeks before you see a difference.  I'm going to try this, myself, because I just noticed a few tiny spots beginning on the back of my right hand.  Even though my husband says he can't see anything, I can.  Any of you who decide to try this formula, I'd love to hear from you....we can all be a "test market" for this combination.

He also has a remedy for "laugh lines" and lines around the nose and lips. I'd have to buy regular milk for this one; I'm not really sure that I want to do that.  I've convinced myself that, at my age, there's little hope for changing that problem!  Here's the formula:

2 tsp. of cow's milk
2 tsp. apple juice
1 egg white

Beat the egg white and other ingredients until frothy.  Apply the mixture to the affected areas for 20 minutes.  You can use this under the eyes, too, if you have puffiness in that area.  According to the dermatologist, you should begin to see a difference almost immediately.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Food: Is it your Medicine or Poison?

We have the opportunity today to truly understand the body and how it functions in a way that no one in the past has.  While learning about how our bodies work is an on-going pursuit, we have discovered so many things in the past two decades that we can apply to our everyday health.

I believe the single most important fact is that so many of the chronic illnesses that plague us can be reversed by simply changing our diet and understanding the role that food plays in our level of health or sickness.  Research has proven, repeatedly, that the following diseases/conditions can be avoided and/or reversed if we simply change our diet and activity levels:

     Type 2 Diabetes
     High Cholesterol
     Some forms of Anxiety and Depression

Right at this moment, if those who are taking medications for the conditions listed above were to change their eating habits and use food as their medicine, they would be able to eventually reduce or eliminate the prescriptions they are taking for these problems.  What's so interesting is that this information is now part of mainstream medicine.  That's amazing to those of us who are part of alternative health care and have been saying this for years.

If you are interested in learning more about the concept of food as medicine, there are a number of very good books about this subject written by Andrew Weil, M.D. and Deepak Chopra, but the one I would recommend is a new one written by Travis Stork, M.D., entitled: "The Doctors Diet."   I would suggest that those interested in following the diet remember how important the quality and source of foods they choose are.  High quality, organic foods= High quality medicine.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Functional Medicine: A new way to view primary health care

What exactly is, "functional medicine?"  It is a relatively new approach to the concept of health and wellness.  It is a way for your provider to offer some predictive advice as to where you might be in one, five or ten years from now, before health problems develop.

It is not a replacement for conventional or alternative medicine, but offers a bridge between the two "worlds," and can be applied to both acute and chronic conditions.  Think of functional medicine as, "personalized lifestyle medicine."

Using this approach, we do not focus on diagnosis.  So many patients come to us with a specific diagnosis that we find has little to do with method of treatment.  Thus, functional medicine is focused on identifying functional impairments on a spectrum (or scale) of health.  Once we see how different systems are functioning, we then work with our patients to identify which foods, supplements and lifestyle strategies to implement to actively promote a better place on that spectrum or scale.  If pharmaceutical or surgical intervention is seen as an option, patients are referred for appropriate care. In our practice, most of the patients who come to us have already been seen by other practitioners, allowing us to, "get to the heart of the matter," more quickly, knowing there are no hidden underlying complicating conditions.

Functional medicine is a real option for those wanting to take charge of their health.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Choices for Flu Season

We have the choice before us to either get a flu shot or forgo this to try to, "..get through the season without getting sick."  I have a suggestion for a different choice...take garlic.

Garlic is a member of the "allium" group of foods.  It is an extremely effective anti-viral as well as a cholesterol-lowering compound.  Eating garlic is very tasty, we grow our own and I use a lot in cooking, but fresh garlic does not contain the amount of allium that aged garlic does.  Also, one cannot possibly eat enough of the garlic to reproduce the medical benefits that one gets from taking an aged garlic capsule.

Kyolic, aged garlic, is the absolute best brand on the market.  The source of the garlic is Japanese, as it appears that they have the patience to age this product for the necessary 90 days that it takes for the garlic to become bio-medically active.

My recommendation is that one take at least 2 capsules a day in the winter months in order to avoid the flu to keep your immune systems strong.  If you start to feel any indicators that normally tip you off to possible flu/colds or sickness, take one capsule every 2-3 hours until your symptoms abate.  Getting a jump on the virus is the only way to help to avoid its affects.

A wonderful "side effect" of aged garlic is that it is one of the phytonutrients that helps to stop the growth of cancer cells, as cancer is a virus. Also, you won't have any garlic breath with the aged garlic...something we all can appreciate.
