Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013 Oct;11(10):1276-1280
we find that researchers decided to find out if the symptoms associated with Chron's could be affected by Cannibas.
Their conclusion was that, yes, indeedie, those who smoked marijuana noticed a decrease in symptoms. I'm shocked...not really. Come on, now, if one smokes enough of this material, I'm pretty sure that most any negative symptom would be decreased or eliminated for a period of time.
I have a patient whose friend has been suffering from Chron's for most of his life. Cutting out gluten from his diet has made all the difference in his world and has allowed him to live pain free with much less medication. My suggestion to those suffering from intestinal symptoms on a daily basis (and for all of us, in general), is to cut out the gluten, dairy, refined sugar and other simple carbohydrates from the diet and you, too, may see either a decrease or the elimination of all those nasty intestinal symptoms....without the need for, "medical marijuana."
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