Monday, August 26, 2013

Are Mercury Fillings Hazardous to the Health of Your Baby?

I came across the following article written by Alex Shvartsman, DDS about the connection between amalgam (mercury) fillings and possible health risks to unborn babies.  I thought this would be of interest to many of you.

During our years of practice, we have recommended the removal of mercury fillings to a number of our patients because of the significant symptoms they were experiencing.  Each person who was able to find a dentist both willing and able to safely remove the mercury from their teeth, almost immediately began experiencing relief from their long-standing problems.  It is extremely difficult to find a dentist who will agree to remove mercury and who is experienced in doing so.  Mercury is a poisonous heavy metal and has to be discarded as hazardous waste.  I was very surprised to read this article, as dentists have come under some very significant consequences from the ADA when they have been found to have removed amalgam from teeth that are intact.  The ADA admits to no problems from mercury and have actively and legally discouraged dentists who have removed mercury fillings, in the past.

Here is Dr. Shvartsman's article:

Long Island Holisitc Dentist discussed the possible dangers for their baby of mercury fillings in mothers' teeth.
     Dental amalgam fillings are the most common tooth filling material used today.  Many are unaware that “silver “ fillings are actually up to 55% mercury.  Mercury is considered the most toxic non-radioactive material on earth by toxicologists.  The mercury in dental fillings remains in its liquid state and binds the other metals in the filling together.  Liquid mercury vaporized easily even below room temperature and is highly ionizable.  It is the Ionized mercury vapor that cause numerous disruptions and misregulations in the human body.
     Numerous studies have confirmed that mercury vapor is being constantly released during chewing. Higher levels of mercury vapor is released during tooth grinding or eating hot foods and drinking hot beverages. In addition, tooth whitening releases extremely high amounts of mercury vapor as does polishing dental fillings during cleanings as well as drilling out old mercury dental fillings.   Mercury vapor is easily ionizable and quickly penetrates cell membranes, especially nerve cells.  Besides the brain, spinal chord and the nerves, most every organ in the body accumulates mercury.
     Constant low-level mercury exposure accumulation, as occurs from mercury dental fillings is cumulative over the years. Many health experts and researchers agree that chronic low-level mercury exposure has detrimental health effects on our bodies, especially after decades of exposure.
     No one can argue that as parents, protecting our children is our primary responsibility and duty.  Studies have confirmed that ionized mercury easily penetrates the placenta and is detectable in the breast milk of mothers.  While there are no studies on the effects of this mercury exposure to the developing baby and the nursing infant due to ethics of such experiments, concerned and responsible mothers should be informed of its probable dangers. 
     In addition, the FDA has advised the discontinuation of mercury containing fillings in “growing children” following several laws suits.  A ten year study, which followed children for the age of 8 to the age of 18 confirmed that children with  mercury-filled teeth have higher incidence of health problems. This same study helped to identify a gene variant that predisposes boys to mercury toxicity even at small levels.
     Women who are planning to get pregnant may want to consider removing mercury containing dental fillings from their teeth prior to conception and to evaluate themselves for mercury toxicity.  Since drilling out mercury fillings releases high amounts of ionizable mercury vapor, concerned mothers may want to protect themselves by having their dentist follow the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology’s (IAOMT) protocol for safe dental mercury filling removal. 
Unfortunately, few dentists are aware of this protocol and fewer still adhere to it strictly. 
     Dr. Alex Shvartsman of Long Island Center for Healthier Dentistry is the only accredited member of the IAOMT on Long Island. He has successfully passed the IOAMT written toxicology exam, as well as the oral presentation on his adherence to the protocol. He currently serves on the Educational Committee of the IAOMT.

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