Monday, April 27, 2015

If You're Pregnant and eat Refined Sugar....STOP!

A very disturbing finding from a recent study notes that 42% of children who develop autism were  born to mothers with gestational diabetes!  WOW.

This truly underscores the importance of a healthy diet:  full of multi-colored vegetables, fresh fruit and protein.  Eating processed, pre-packaged foods and lots of simple carbohydrates often leads to the development of gestational diabetes (not to mention full blown type 2 diabetes for the rest of the population).

This statistic should be blasting out over social media and the news...I am, frankly, shocked that there appears to be no significant reaction to this information.  Something as simple as not eating refined sugar to protect an unborn child from autism and not a peep about it from any of the commentators on any news shows, as far as I could tell.

I have to wonder how many children develop autism because their mothers ate a diet high in refined sugar without developing diabetes.  Another point to consider is how much refined sugar is introduced to babies and toddlers and what damage is done to a maturing neurological system from all the junk food these children are eating...even in small amounts.

Look at the explosion of autism since the 1990's and the ridiculously high numbers of children developing type 2 diabetes during this same period.  Many researchers believe there is also a link between sugar intake and is known as "type 3 diabetes."  Autism and Alzheimer's both affect the brain...just different areas.  I hope more research is done on both of these conditions with respect to how refined sugar can affect nerve myelination (fatty tissue that surrounds the nerves to help conductivity).

For now, if you're pregnant, please just don't eat refined sugar.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dr. Mehmet Oz: A David vs. Goliath Story

A few days ago I heard that there was criticism leveled against Dr. Oz for offering "quack" cures and remedies on his show.  My first thought was that the AMA had had there feathers ruffled or the pharmaceutical industry was ticked off at him.  No, neither one.

The doctor who authored the complaint against Dr. Oz (along with 9 other medical doctors) is a proponent of GMO foods, especially corn.  It doesn't take a genius to imagine who or what is behind this push back against Dr. Oz, especially since this industry's/business' practices have been codified by the US Supreme Court.

I heard Dr. Oz's response to all of this.  It was, in effect, to invoke his right of free speech.  Unfortunately, that right does not extend to enabling him to step on the toes of big business.... they fight dirty and, up until now, at least, win all the time against the little guy.  Fortunately,  Dr. Oz has a large and loyal following of some 9 million viewers each day.

It is my recommendation that any of you who do support Dr. Oz and his right to offer alternative health education, spend a couple of minutes and e-mail or text or tweet (or whatever method of communication you prefer) the show and offer your support for him.  I don't believe this attack against Dr. Oz is over and I'm certain he'll appreciate any support he is given.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Poisons in our Children's Vitamins

Most parents who give their children commercial/conventional vitamin supplements are not aware that they are feeding them chemicals that they probably would never allow them to eat in the foods they are served.  The question is:"Why aren't parents opting for healthy alternatives to the conventional brand vitamins?"

Here are the most common additives in children's vitamins:

cupric oxide
coal tar (food coloring, including:  FD&C Blue #2, Red #40, Yellow #6)
Zinc oxide (that's what helps to prevent diaper rash)
Ferrous fumerate
hydrogenated oils
GMO corn starch

If little ones get a small dose of all of the above on a regular basis, the additive affect will certainly result in physiological/nutritional imbalances, over time.

You can go to:  www.greenmed/ to view more about this topic.  I've blogged about the problems with using synthetic vitamins, the ingestion of hydrogenated fats, the difference between lab manufactured vitamins and whole food organic supplements and the dangers of aspartame and sorbitol.

There are healthy children's and adult supplements that are admittedly more expensive than the WalMart/CVS/Walgreens/CostCo varieties, but end up being so much more costly to our bodies, in the end, than the whole food supplements.
It's up to all of us to decide.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Have You Ever Heard of, "Nutritional Genomics"?

This is an exciting new field of study that assesses how your unique DNA can affect the way your body utilizes nutrients as well as how different exercises can affect the efficiency of your workouts. 

Studies in nutritional genomics have shown not only how genes may influence your body's response to diet (nutrigenetics) but also how specific nutrients may impact gene expression--literally, how food and beverages turn on or off healthy body functions (nutrigenomics).  Together, your individual genetic differences may influence how much benefit you get from certain nutrients. 

Until now, training and fitness professionals have lacked the genetic knowledge needed to recommend personal fitness solutions.  There is a program developed in concert with Standard Process called, "NutriSync Assessment," that is designed to help people better understand, set, attain and manage balanced nutrition and fitness goals based on their genetics and lifestyle.  This system has been in development for some time and has been found to be 95% accurate in its individualized benefits to help people reach their genetic potential for optimal health.

What I particularly like about this approach is that it is DNA-specific to the individual.  As more research is done, it appears that we need unique nutrients, according to our genetics and not according to those picked at random as the result of the recommendations made to us by, "Dr. Google."

What the NutriSync assessment offers is a new level of personal wellness; the program gives you the tools to exercise your body according to your genetic strengths, take the genetic-specific nutrients to help optimize your nutritional supplementation and maximize the potential benefits of your workouts based on genetics.