I told myself I wasn't going to comment on the news coverage of our latest viral infection, but there is so much misinformation out there, I couldn't let it go.
First, this is not an "outbreak," that every single news anchor and local station likes to call it...an outbreak necessitates the involvement of hundreds to thousands of people...it's an outbreak over in Liberia, but not here.
Second, the people who are being interviewed on the news demanding that all the residents of the apartment building that the newly diagnosed doctor lives in be guaranteed, are, again, misinformed. And, putting them on the news I'm certain increases ratings, but does nothing to further the truth....one
cannot contract this disease, casually. This virus is transmitted via bodily fluid contact.
Third, this is a virus, not some unknown entity. Unless one is already immuno-suppressed, sick or very old, the body will recover on its own if supported, nutritionally and with the proper fluids and electrolytes.
I wonder how many people know the number of deaths attributed to the flu, every year, in this country? Over 2.5 MILLION, that's 807 deaths per 100,000 people!
I think that a little perspective is always a good thing. Keep your immune system strong, as I have elaborated on in past blogs this month, and everything will be fine. (Don't forget what added refined sugar does to the immune system...especially with what's coming up next week.)